Friday, July 6

be altruistic.

Hey guys :) so I have some news! I got another job.  That is right not a new job but another job.  Why I thought that two jobs, school,  and swim would be a great idea is a mystery.  But anyway I got a job as a salon coordinator at a beauty salon in town. But i was talking to my mom last night about someone I couldn't remember that said something I could not recall.  I began to realize how many people I come into contact with on a daily basis.  It's only seven forty and I have already talked to my parents, instant messaged my best friend, wrote on my other friends facebook wall, talked to the cashier at Panera, glanced over at someone driving next to me, smiled at the old man who held the door open for me, and thanked the cute waiter who just cleared my plate.  And that was only in the first two hours of my day, think about all day how many people I will have contact with, and on a day I work that number goes up way more.
If you sit back and really think about the number of people you come into contact with everyday, and then the number of people that you see on a daily basis, that number is quite high.  I only started thinking about this after a conversation I had with my friend T when we were exploring the Wild Animal Park (Yes I know they changed the name, but I don't care).  We were saying that you don't know where everyone is on a day to day basis. You dont know what kind of day that other person is having; They could have just gotten a divorce, a promotion, a death notice, or a birth notice,  they could be thinking of harming themselves, or harming another person.  You have no idea.  But with all the people that you see probably half of them are hurting.  Don't rush through your small experience with them.  Don't be rude to them because you are having a bad day or are in a hurry.  Small, be nice, say hello and have a nice day. 
So my altruistic.  Know that at the end of the day other people should have taken up a greater part of your day then you yourself.  Make sure you live your life to serve others.  Put others before yourself, and never put your own needs before others. 

Saturday, May 19

My morning coffee rant :)

Well  good morning:) I'm sitting here in Panera enjoying their really good hazelnut coffee and their AMAZING cinnamon crunch bagel...:) I mean really they are amazing and if you've never had one go right now and eat one :) you wont regret it I promise.  Anyway, I'm sitting here early in the morning enjoying my coffee and bagel and working on my Anthropology reading because I'm severely behind.  And if any of you out there don't know what anthropology is, it is the study of evolution of human.  And while I do believe that humans and animals evolve over time and continue to evolve to things such as environment and mutations.  I do not believe that we as humans evolved from our "close relative" the primate.
Now most of you might be saying, "Sydney, you are an early bird I haven't even had my coffee yet this morning how do you already have something to rant about?"
Well I always have something to rant  about, you could wake me up at four in the morning from a deep sleep and I could find something to rant about.  But I completly understand if you all need to pause and go get some coffee before you begin reading.
I've blogged before about purpose, about how everyone has a purpose and was put on this earth for a purpose.  I think that's such an inspiring thought, to think that you, me and everyone was made by a perfect, ultimate God who loves each one of us and sent his only son to die and take our sins for our undeserved salvation.  And as I sit here reading about evolution and how, by that belief, that the whole world and all that is in it, was just by chance.  That just out of nowhere for no reason it came into existence. Well it just doesn't add up to me.
But then you study the minute details of the human body, cells, DNA, the smallest things in your body all working for the purpose of your life.  The changing of the seasons, the massive oceans and redwood forests, the rotation of the planets, the feelings of love and companionship, the forming of new life, your telling my all of that was just by chance?  How?  How are those amazing beautiful things that make up this world all by chance?
I guess my point is if everything were to just have happened by chance then why are we all here? How can you look at the smallest atoms and hpw they work for a purpose of causing a human to live and say that it just all happened by chance?  That love, that feeling that makes the world go round just...just happened?  No.  I'm sorry I just can't live with the fact that out of nowhere